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Project supported by the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central University, China (Grant Nos. 24720152047A and 15CX05025A), the Natural Science Foundation of Shandong Province, China (Grant No. ZR2014FM017), the Science and Technology Development Plan of Huangdao District, Qingdao, China (Grant No. 2014-1-45).
Different loads in the network require distinct QoS standard, while present routing strategies for complex networks ignored this fact. To solve this problem, we designed a routing strategy RS-MP with multiple priorities by which packets are classified into privileged-packets and common-packets. In RS-MP, privileged-packets route by the Shortest Path Algorithm, and do not need to queue up. Common-packets’ routes are determined by a new factor BJmax of the network. The BJmax stands for the largest betweenness centrality. By minimizing BJmax, the throughout capacity of the network can be maximized. The simulation results show that RS-MP can guarantee privileged-packets with the shortest path length and smallest delay, and maximized throughout capacity for common packets in the no-congestion state.
Since Welsh and Barabàsi[1] proposed networks with minimal world properties and scale-free features, the structure and dynamics of complex networks have attracted a tremendous amount of interest and attention from the physics community. In past decades, complex networks have become the focus of research in different fields,[2–7] such as mechanics, physics, biology, control systems, communication technology, society, economic and military, etc. The complex network consists of a large number of nodes and the perplexing relationships between the nodes, which widely exists in the nature, biology and Engineering fields.[8] Research on the network topological structure is based on the research methods of statistical physics, while these methods can also be applied to the study on the dynamic characteristics of complex networks, such as network congestion, network search etc.[9]
As is known to all, the booming of loads has challenged the efficiency and reliability for all kinds of network. How to guarantee the quality of service of each load with finite resources without negotiating the performance of the network is a problem that urgently needs to be coped with. Designing or optimizing the routing strategy is a perfect way to solve the problem. Without changing the topology and large cost,[10] the network could perform better when equipped with a new and suitable strategy. In this light, to find optimal strategies for traffic routing is one of the important issues we have to address. There have been many previous studies to understand and control traffic congestion on networks, with a basic assumption that the network has a homogeneous structure.[11–24]
The most classical strategy among traditional routing strategies is the Shortest Path Routing Strategy (SR). Packets will choose paths with the smallest hops, which means they will reach the destination at the fastest speed. Sadly, congestion quite easily shows up at some key nodes.[11,12] Yan et al.[13] proposed a strategy called the Efficient Routing Strategy (ER). One path will be chosen only if the sum of the degree of nodes it covers is the smallest. This strategy releases the state of traffic congestion largely. Pu et al.[14] put forward an Active Routing Strategy, which is an optimized strategy of ER. Packets are less sensitive to nodes with relatively large degrees, these nodes are not impossible or hardly chosen, and the capacity of all kinds of nodes will be utilized more thoroughly. A Probability Routing Strategy is brought forward in Ref. [15]. This strategy makes a balance between SR and ER to make the most of hub nodes.
Danila et al.[16,17] adopted the idea of extremum optimizing. By avoiding nodes with the largest betweenness centrality, partial loads are distracted to the margin of the network. Chen et al.[18] put forward a unified algorithm about betweenness centrality, and an optimized protocol (OP) is designed. Tang et al.[19] discarded a First In First Out (FIFO) strategy and performed better by enabling packets to choose the next hop based on the condition of the potential next node. Tang[20] proposed a self-adaptive routing strategy by analyzing the state of the network to cope with time-variant loads. LING et al.[21] put out a method to allocate loads based on nodes’ capacities. This paper[22] takes throughout and complexity into consideration and puts forward a pheromone-based routing strategy. A local routing strategy on complex networks is proposed in Ref. [23], which is used to evaluate the importance of nodes, and the probability of forwarding packets to a neighbor node is adaptively adjusted by the importance of the node and the state of the network. A new optimization algorithm was proposed to improve the network performance in Ref. [24].
However, the present routing strategies consider that all loads are homogeneous and are treated as unified. Actually, different loads enquire different qualities of service. In the real traffic network, vehicles, like fire trucks, ambulances, and police cars, need paths with the shortest time, even if traffic congestion exists. In the Internet, real-time voice service packets are delay-sensitive. A slight fluctuation of the network state could cause choppy voice, even drop the call. Express deliveries like urgent dispatch and seafood in logistics networks require high real-time performance. From the view of real-time, fire trucks in the traffic network and real-time voice service should be guaranteed with the shortest transmission delay, shortest length of path, and highest priorities. Otherwise, transmission delay on fire trucks and urgent dispatch will cause irreparable damage, meanwhile other vehicles and delivery will suffer more transmission jam. Our motivation comes from the desire to understand the influence of flow difference on the traffic dynamics on a network, as existing works in this direction often assume homogeneity for the underlying network. In this paper, we treat delay-sensitive loads as privileged-packets. On the contrary, the rest of the loads are called common packets. When packets of different priorities show up in the network, the present routing strategy will not work anymore. According to this situation, in this paper we put forward an optimized routing strategy called the Privileged Routing Strategy (PR) and design a routing strategy RS-MP with multiple priorities by which packets are classified into privileged-packets and common-packets on complex networks due to the difference of traffic flow conditions. To fully characterize the node busy degree we introduce a new factor BJ–Joint Betweenness Centrality. By optimizing BJ, we can achieve the desired effect that RS-MP can guarantee privileged-packets with the shortest path length and smallest delay, and maximized throughout capacity for common packets in the no-congestion state.
To make our routing strategy more clear, we need to specify some parameters of the network. For the complex network we considered, all the nodes are able to receive, transmit, and forward packets, in other words, they can all act as hosts and routers. The length of buffer queue is set to be infinite. The processing capacity of nodes is shown as Ci, which means the max number of packets processed by node i. In this paper, we assume all the nodes share the same process capacity, Ci = 1. At each time slot, R number of flow packets are generated. Among these packets, privileged-packets’ number is RP and only take up a tiny small amount. While the rest ones are common packets, whose number is RC. The starting and ending point of each new generated packet are randomly picked, and they move automatically to the routing strategy until they are wiped out of the network.
As R keeps increasing and exceeds one certain value RC, the number of newly generated packets goes over the transmission capacity of the network. At this time, packets become piping up at some certain nodes, which means the appearance of traffic congestion and the state of the network has turned from a free stream state to a congestion state.[13] To sum up, RC represents the max number of packets that can be transmitted by the network in one time slot, and is a key parameter to the overall performance of the network.
The larger the betweenness centrality of some nodes, the higher the probability they will face traffic congestion.[12,21,22,24] The betweenness centrality of nodes Bk represents the proportion of paths that cover these nodes over the whole paths in the network.[22] As equation (
Only when equation (
In the network, different loads focus on different parameters. Privileged-packets need the assurance of real-time quality, while common packets rely more on overall throughout capacity. The main idea of this paper is to firstly guarantee the real-time quality of privileged-packets while promoting the throughout capacity of common packets as large as possible.
Privilege loads are widely spread in various real network loads with small quantity and high priority, the routing policy should be a priority for the requirement of real-time. There are two main factors that influence the network time delay: the path length and queue length, the former is mainly measured by the hop, while the latter depends on the waiting time. This strategy reduces the transmission delay from two aspects. (i) Reduce the path length, the shortest path routing algorithm can guarantee privileged-packets along the shortest path forward. (ii) Reduce the waiting time in the queue, privileged-packets do not line up in the queue, forward directly.
Common-packets do not require strict real-time performance, but need to pay more attention to transmission capacity without traffic congestion, so the core issue of common packets’ routing policy is how to raise the throughput of common-packets under the circumstance of transmission timeliness of the privileges. Equation (
The privileged-packets do not have to wait in line because of the priority of them, so traffic congestion mainly depends on the sending rate (RC) of common-packets while the traffic congestion is mainly caused by them. For common packets, the transmission capacity of the node is not being efficiently used, which means the privileged-packets only occupied part of the capacity, as shown in Eq. (
When equation(
The value of RCC is maximum when the BJmax is minimum. The maximum RPC value can be obtained by optimizing the routing table of common-packets and privileged-packets. On the one hand, it is necessary to reduce the number of nodes in the common packet, which makes the network load more balanced. On the other hand, we need to reconfigure the node transmission capacity, because there may be multiple shortest paths between the two points, so that the path of the privileged-packets is far away from the nodes, which makes it more common.
The presence of the privileged loads has not been considered in existing routing strategies, so the new algorithm should be created to optimize the routing table and the common-packet’ routing table. The basic idea is that we firstly use the shortest path strategy to establish the privilege packets’ routing table, and then get the common-packet’ routing table according to existing strategies, calculate BJi, find the BJmax node and all the paths through it, not look for the alternative paths which is not through the BJmax, if such a path exists update the routing table and recalculate BJi, then find all the paths through the BJmax nodes and alternative paths from the privileged-packet’ routing table, when such an alternative path exists, update the routing table. Then recalculate the common-packet’ routing table in the cycle, until system stability is achieved. The PR algorithm is characterized by the continuous optimization between the privileged packets’ routing table and common packets’, and also efficient to any existing routing strategies.
The specific algorithm flow is given below.
First, for the common packet routing table, the path of node i to node j is assumed to xi → x1,x2,x3,…,xn → xj, and the length of the path is defined as follows:
The end condition of the iterative algorithm can record the BJmax value of the nearest n, and calculate the variance; when the variance is less than a certain value, it is concluded that the algorithm tends to be stable, so that the end of iteration.
We build a simulation model with the BA network, the total number of nodes N = 200, the initial value is set to m0 = 3, with the increase of nodes, each time increase 3 edges. In the simulation, each time step generates an R packet, where the maximum number of privileged packets is RP, and the common packet is RC. For each R, the simulation runs 1000 steps, the final result takes the average of the last 200 steps. Next, we will carry out the simulation experiment in the distribution of BJ, the network throughput, the average delay, and so on, the routing strategy of this paper (PR) and ER, DAN, SR, and OP are compared.
The different routing tables are respectively corresponding to the privileged-packets and the common-packets, respectively, the number of betweenness centrality is BP, BC, and BJ, respectively, the maximum value is BPmax, BCmax, and BJmax. The larger the value of betweenness centrality, the higher the likelihood they will face traffic congestion. In the case of privileged load, the BJmax node is the most prone to congest, but not the corresponding node of BPmax and BCmax. From Table
![]() | Table 1. The variation of BP, BC, and BJmax for four different routing strategies in the case of before and after PR optimization, where network size N = 200, RP = 2. . |
As shown in Fig.
As shown in Eq. (
The method of analyzing the network free flow to the congestion flow is shown in the Eq. (
As can be seen from Fig.
The number of privileged loads in the network is small, but the change of the number (RP) will still have an impact on the network performance. Take the ER routing strategy as an example, figure
![]() | Table 2. The variation of BJmax by using the efficient routing (ER) in the case of before and after PR optimization with different RP, where N = 200. . |
The average path length represents the total hop number of packets traversed in the process of flow transmission, and it is an important parameter that measures the routing efficiency. From Table
![]() | Table 3. The average path length for four different routing strategies in the case of before and after the PR optimization, where N = 200, RP = 2. . |
This paper addresses the influence of different traffic flows and designs a routing strategy RS-MP with multiple priorities on complex networks. In this paper, flow packets are divided into privileged-packets and common-packets. The privileged-packets route by the shortest path routing strategy and do not need to queue up. For the common-packets, a new combined optimization strategy (PR) is designed by introducing a new factor BJmax, which makes the BJmax minimum. The simulation results show that the factor BJmax can represent the importance of the network nodes in the routing process. What is more, we can conclude from the simulation results that the privileged-packets are always in the shortest path and still capable of keeping the delay minimal, even when the network is in a congested state. For the common-packets, the PR algorithm has the optimal effect on the existing routing strategies, and the optimized networks’ non-blocking transmit capacity has been greatly improved. Overall, the joint optimization strategy (PR) with priority has the universal property. PR maxmized the network’s non-congestion transmission ability while ensuring the priority of the privileged-packets.
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